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Born in the vibrant heart of México City, my journey into the realm of Film and Photography began. Today, while I call Portland, OR home, my creative spirit knows no bounds as I embark on personal and commissioned projects that take me to places far and wide.


As the co-founder of Trece Cielos, a creative independent studio, I wear multiple hats—director, photographer, videographer, and post-producer— bringing vibrant energy to advertising campaigns for global brands. Collaborating with talented professionals across disciplines, we breathe life into creative visions while maintaining our artistic integrity.


For four transformative years, I documented the Fulbright Hays Summer Abroad program across Texas, México, and Colombia, capturing the rich cultural tapestries through my lens. My photography aimed to highlight diverse experiences, fostering cross-cultural understanding among participants and audiences alike. I wrote and directed the short film 'Flamboyanes,' that has resonated across borders, earning recognition from institutions including the Independent Shorts Awards, New York Cinematography Awards, Indie Short Fest, Oaxaca Film Fest, and Los Angeles Cinematography Awards, among others.

In the serene landscapes of Baja California Sur, I found not only inspiration but also a sense of purpose. Through photographic exhibitions and contributions to events like “Los Cabos International Film Festival”, my journey has led me to serve on juries, including the “New York City Teen Film Festival” and “La Paz International Film Festival”, where I've had the privilege of witnessing the power of storytelling firsthand. I am continually inspired by the collective creativity and collaborative spirit that thrives within these spaces.


Teaching photography and film classes at Champlain College in Burlington, VT, and offering photographic consultations at companies like Décor NYC has been a deeply enriching journey for me. To me, photography is more than just capturing moments; it's a profound act of freezing time, allowing us to pause and reflect on the intricacies of life as if gazing through a microscope into the soul of existence.


While residing in New York, I embarked on a transformative journey into the healing arts, achieving mastery as a Reiki practitioner and becoming a certified Psych-K facilitator. In my creative endeavors, I am driven by a quest to uncover the inherent order within the universe—a divine harmony that transcends the chaos of our daily lives. Yet, beyond the technical and visual artistry lies a deeper resonance—the profound interpretation of the world that resides within our hearts.


For me, the beauty of this exploration lies not solely in the images captured, but in the lasting impression they leave on our memories and emotions. It's about forging connections, sparking dialogue, and evoking meaning that resonates far beyond the confines of space and time.


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